Monday, September 10, 2012

Starting somewhere!

Beat Still My Heart!
You might believe, that there is no way one can claim to have a healed heart.  You maybe be right, as it apply to you, as for I, I know that a heart is a living, breathing organ, that suffers at the hand of the one it is beating for. The abuse  this wonderful organ, undergoes is unending, and yet it manages to survive countless attacks. Weather it by the food(s), or addiction(s), our heart fights to survive all these self-inflicted abuses.  Then the pain, that love, or the lack of love, that makes or breaks our heart.  Another thing that the heart is subjected too. So back to a healed heart, and my answer, and believe is that the heart does heal.  And if we are smart, we will protect it, and give it love as often as possible.  For what a waste of space, if we after the countless heartaches we didn't surrender to love again, and again, and yes again!  I am only giving a testimony,  I am not a medical professional, but since I do have a heart, and have had 
many heartbreaks, and with that said, I believe this make me an excellent expert!  Well enough for now, since I have given enough to chew a while... lol

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