Monday, January 7, 2013

What? Did I Just Miss Something?

There have been many times when, I felt this so strongly!  I would have to say, this was when I was burning the candle at both ends.  Did love just walked up to me, and say hello?  And was my reaction, awe he was just being nice, his nice to everyone.  Lol, I must have lost my mind right?  But how many, many times do we do this crazy act of insanity?  They say, the eyes are the gateway to our souls.  So in life yes we get it all wrong at times, and then there are those incredible moments, when we not only get it, we score big!  I was listening to the pastor's message today, and he gave an example of us being spheres as individuals, that connecting together when we worship, that connects us to the ultimate sphere of God.  This so connect, and resonate with my soul.  So in my journey in a healed heart speaking out, I have accepted that, I will and do screw up most of the time, and big.  But I have to look for the diamonds in the ruff, and know that I am too, that diamond, that is polished by pain, purged by fire, and brilliant by design.  In the simplest terms I will use is; don't sweat it; roll with the punches;  let it roll off you, like water off a duck, really?  I get such a kick of all the phrases, to make the same point, it tickles my funny bone.  So What, if we miss something:!  Is it big, sometimes it will be, will this be the end to life we know it?  For some yes, but most no, life does not come with a manual, that tells you what to look for, and watch out for either.  And if there was a manual, I can most assure you, I would screw it up, and not in defiance, but as one that does truly walk to the beat of a different drum, strum.  Until the next time, my hopes for you is, much peace in your hearts, as listening towhat our heart has to say!

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